IMC C121 IMC Original Feature Keys

IMC sets its original Feature Key when loading GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ format genome sequence files.

It is also possible for users to register their own Feature Keys.

These original Feature Keys are prepared to make IMC operation more convenient.

Therefore, when you finish using the sequence in IMC and provide these sequence files externally, you can remove your own Feature Key.


Feature keys that are set independently by IMC are as follows.

  • enzyme: Used as a feature showing restriction enzyme recognition site
  • Homology: Used as a feature to store the results of homology search
  • MyFeature: Offer to any use.
  • ORF_Glimmer 1: Used as a temporary storage feature for ORF search results.
  • ORF_Glimmer 2: It is used as a temporary storage feature of ORF search result.
  • ORF_Long: Used as a temporary storage feature of ORF search result.
  • ORF_Middle: It is used as a temporary storage feature of ORF search result.
  • ORF_Short: Used as a temporary storage feature for ORF search result.
  • Pattern: Used as a feature for storing array patterns.
  • PCR_Product: It is used as a feature for storing PCR products.
  • Primer: It is used as a feature for storing priming site.
  • TilingArray: Used as a feature for storing tiling array probes.
  • Unknown: Used as a feature for storing unknown features.