IMC 30 Main Window Part Names and Functions

Main Window Configuration

In the main window of ImcSe (MainWindow), only one reference feature map (ReferenceFeatureMap) is displayed on the same window as the main feature map (MainFeatureMap).

ImcSe's main window structure

The main feature map (MainFeatureMap) and the array loading directory (SequenceLoadingDirectory), the menu bar (MenuBar) and the tool box (ToolBox), and the reference feature map (ReferenceFeatureMap) are arranged in the main window of ImcSe (MainWindow).

ImcGe, ImcAe main window and reference window

The main feature map (MainFeatureMap) and the array loading directory (SequenceLoadingDirectory), the menu bar (MenuBar) and the tool box (ToolBox) are arranged in the main window of ImcGe (ReferenceWindow) and the reference feature map (ReferenceFeatureMap ) Will be placed.

Name of each part of the main window

Take the IMCAE main window as an example and explain the names of each part.

Title Line

The IMC edition name and version name are displayed.

Menu Bar

It is the main menu bar.

For the functions of individual menus, refer to "IMC: Menu Bar".

Button ToolBox

It is a ToolBox in MainWindow.

This ToolBox can be removed from MainWindow and can be placed anywhere on the desktop.

For the function of each button tool, please refer to [[IMC ToolBox]].

Upper Indicator Area

Here, attributes related to the sequence displayed in the MainFeatureMap are displayed.

 Name | genome nucleotide sequence file name currently displayed File name

Length | Genome base sequence length currently displayed (full length)

From | Current MainWindow Indicates the most upstream base position in the range visible on the map of the sequence being displayed.

To | Current MainWindow Indicates the position of the most downstream base in the range visible on the map of the sequence.

Layout | Displays the FeatureLayoutStyle applied to the currently displayed sequence. You can also switch FeatureLayoutStyle here.

Count (E) | Displays the number of arrays loaded in SequenceLoadingDirectory.

Loading Sequence Directory Tree

The loaded sequence is displayed in multiple hierarchy.

You can independently Dock In / Dock Out.

Main Feature Map

In the MainFeatureMap, the selected sequence among the sequences loaded in the current MainSequenceFolder is displayed.

If more than one sequence is selected in the current MainSequenceFolder, the last array on the current MainSequenceFolder is displayed in the MainFeatureMap.

The MainFeatureMap consists of several types of parts (lanes). Each lane can be placed freely on MainFeatureMap.

You can independently Dock In / Dock Out.

Bottom Indicator Line

Trash Box | It is a trash can. The sequence file that was removed from SequenceLoadingDirectoryTree is stored here once.

Root Path | Displays the absolute path of the folder currently designated as SequenceLoadingDirectory.

Memory Meter | Displays the amount of memory available and the current usage. When the background color changes from orange (50%) to red (75%), it indicates that memory usage is tight.

Reference Loading Directory Tree

You can independently Dock In / Dock Out.

Reference Indicator Area

ReferenceWindow indicator display area.

Reference Pool | Currently displays the number of arrays loaded on the ReferenceFeatureMap (ReferenceSequenceFolder).

Reference Feature Map

Display ReferenceFeatureMap.

Multiple sequence lanes can be displayed in parallel (ImcGe, ImcAe).

The sequence of the current ReferenceSequenceFolder of SequenceLoadingDirectory corresponds to the order of ReferenceFeatureMap.

For details on how to read a seuqnce into ReferenceFeatureMap, see [[Read Reference Feature Map]].

You can independently Dock In / Dock Out.

Reference Control Buttons

There is a Print button and a Close button.

Print Print button | ReferenceFeatureMap.

Zoom In button |

Zoom Out button |