
インシリコバイオロジー株式会社 公式技術情報サイト

ISB Nomenclature

ISB Glossary

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Term Main definition
Batch Homology Search

Function of collecting homology search by using many features as a query. Implemented on IMCGE or higher edition of IMC.

Hits - 733
Synonyms - Auto Homology Search,Homology Search by Selected Feature
Batch Primer Design

Design the Primer Set for collecting a large number of regions collectively. Implemented in IMC.

Hits - 809
Synonyms - Batch PCR Primer Design
Binary Best Hit

Even if you replace Query and Subject by homology search etc., the relationship that becomes the best score in the list of hit Subjects.

Hits - 9683
Synonyms - BBH

Affymetrix's array file format. Includes probe position information on the genome. It is used with IMCAE or higher.

Hits - 403

Used to classify features freely. The default usage is mainly to classify annotation stages.

Hits - 784
Synonyms - annotation_grade

A coding region of genomic sequence.

Hits - 901
Synonyms - Coding Region
Circular Genome Map

Function to create a circular genome map. Customize the map and save the design as a style. Implemented IMCGE or higher edition of IMC.

Hits - 6

It is used for color classification of Qualifier, feature set by IMC independently.

Hits - 749
Synonyms - classification

An operation button for closing the setting dialog without applying the setting.

Hits - 713

Refers to a set of three consecutive nucleic acids translated into one amino acid.

Hits - 923
Synonyms - codon
Core Genome Analysis

Extract core genome from bread genome

Hits - 139
Current Genome Sequence

The genomic base sequence loaded in the current main directory. Can perform editing operations such as annotation.

Hits - 863
Synonyms - Current Genomic Sequence

It is a Linux enumulator on Windows. It is used when launching Linux software with IMC, etc.

Hits - 481
Synonyms - Cygwin

Character separating fields

Hits - 514
Description Pane

A pane that displays and edits the contents of features in annotation windows and description windows.

Hits - 745
Synonyms - description pane