Genome Analysis Software Info Site

Official Technology Information Site of in silico biology, inc.

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  • LDK ランタイム環境のインストール
  • 未解決バグ
  • ゲノムデザインTut
  • シーケンシングTut
  • グループエディターTut
  • 遺伝子発現制御モデル
  • 形状を変更する
  • 拡大・縮小(ズーム)する
  • Category English
  • Uncategorised
  • Software key License (SW Key)
  • ISB Products
  • IMC Entry Edition
  • IMC Standard Edition
  • IMC Genomics Edition
  • IMC Array Edition
  • IMC Design Suite
  • GT: GenomeTraveler
  • Solution
  • Function Overviews and Basic Operation
  • Use IMC for the First Time
  • Work Bench
  • Feature Key and Feature
  • Attributes of Feature Key
  • Types and Roles of Qualifier
  • Feature Fragmentation
  • Feature Synthesis
  • Feature Mapping
  • Feature Appearance
  • Join and Delete Position
  • Feature Categorize and Presentation
  • Import Features
  • LGRMap Lane
  • Expression Profile Lane
  • Other Lanes
  • Reference Genome Map
  • Data Handling
  • Data Conversion
  • Application Data File Operation
  • Search
  • Feature Key Search
  • Homology Search on the Current Genome by Entered Sequence
  • Priming Site Search
  • SNP Search
  • Gene Function Code Search
  • View
  • Labeling and Coloring
  • GT Alignment Viewer
  • Restriction Enzyme Map Window
  • Cloning
  • Bridge Contigs
  • Gel Electrophoresis
  • Fragment End Modification
  • Find RE Set for Insert Check
  • Homologous Recombination
  • Pseudo Cloning
  • Sequencing
  • Assembly
  • NGS Read Assembly
  • Nanopore Read Assembly
  • Assembly of Reads from Capillary Sequencer
  • Quality Control of Reads
  • Finishing
  • Gene and Genome Sequence Analysis
  • Codon Analysis
  • Amino Acid Profile Analysis
  • Amino Acid Motif Analysis
  • Genome Annotation Tools
  • External Annotation Server
  • Organization and Submission Tools for Annotation
  • Add Sequential Number to Features
  • Multiple Aligment
  • Unique Region Analysis
  • Global Genome Rearrangement Analysis
  • Enzyme Alignment by EC Number
  • Phylogenetic Tree
  • Genome Mapping
  • Feature Mapping
  • EST Mapping
  • Trace Mapping
  • Array Probe Mapping
  • BLAST Result Mapping
  • Expression Analysis
  • Probe Design
  • Probe Mapping
  • Import Expression Data File
  • Expression Data Correction
  • Gene Level Data Conversion
  • Inter-Array Analysis
  • Peak Detection
  • Correlation Plot between Arrays
  • Expression Clustering
  • Feature Expression Statistics
  • Arithmetic Operation between Arrays
  • Local Pathway Builder
  • Codon Adaptation Design
  • Gene Design
  • Gene Cluster Design
  • Gene Cluster Design Check
  • Metabolic Models
  • Homologous Recombination Design
  • Major Windows of IMC and GT
  • Tools
  • iSpider
  • TaxiSpider
  • Pathway Viewer
  • ARM
  • Interactive ARM
  • Pair2Fragment
  • GenBank File Checker
  • GenomeTraveler: Functions and Operations
  • Management of Data and Project
  • Pre-Processing of NGS Data
  • de nove Assembly
  • NGS Reads Mapping
  • GT Alignment Viewer
  • Secondary Analysis
  • Expression Analysis
  • Mutation Analysis using GT
  • Scaffolding
  • Laucher
  • Data Driven
  • API
  • EDM
  • MenuBar
  • GDC
  • Pipeline
  • Technical Info
  • Windows Related
  • Dongle Related
  • Training
  • Help
  • What I don't Know
  • Interesting
  • Tutorial
  • Homology Search
  • Alignment
  • Cloning
  • Restriction Enzyme
  • Reverse Complement
  • Genome Annotation
  • Tools
  • Sequence Pattern
  • Sequence Data Handling
  • Primer Design
  • Local Pathway Builder
  • DIY Biology
  • Do It Yourself Biology Tools
  • Do It Yourself Tools for High School Students
  • Do It Yourself Biology, Definition, Conditions, Requirements, Tools
  • Reverse Lookup
  • Change Color