You are here: Home Products IMC YD1001 New Dongle LDK is not recognized on MacOS
- New dongle LDK is not recognized, License Setting Dialog is displayed, and IMC cannot be started.
Target IMC Version:
Occurrence OS:
- Files required for IMC Install have not been copied to the system area.
- The file in the IMC Install Directory does not have read/write permissions.
- Copy hasp_darwin_31281.dylib in Mac/Library of IMC Install USB to /var/hasplm. Copying requires administrator privileges.
- Give read and write permissions to the file located in Applications/imc/bin.
- Right-click on user.propeties in Finder and select "Get Info".
- Change the three permissions in "Sharing & Permissions" at the bottom of the info dialog to read/write. to change
- Unlock the bottom.