Genome feature map creation / drawing function
By using the feature layout style, you can easily draw feature maps with complicated feature layouts by applying pre-registered layouts when drawing a feature map by combining multiple functional lanes.
In the sequence lane, the base of the currently loaded genome sequence file and the amino acid sequence if it is the coding region are displayed for each strand.
A sequence lane can be placed anywhere in the feature map. You can place more than one sequence lane on one feature map if necessary.
Four bases and 20 amino acids can be displayed individually in different colors.
Changing the drawing color and font size is done in the Sequence Lane tab pane of feature setting dialog.
You can change which position of amino acid 1 character code is placed in codon.
You can not change the font type.
Content profile lane is a lane for displaying numerical values such as base composition, sliding window method and their profile.
The registered profiles that can be displayed in the content profile lane are as follows.
Navigation Lane displays the bird's-eye view map of the entire Feature Map, and you can move the display position of the Feature Map with the slider.
The local genome rearrangement map lane (LGRM lane) is a lane for drawing the local genome rearrangement map on the main feature map.
Display mutations in base units between two closely related strains.
The mutation list dialog is linked to this lane.
Implementation Edition
Expression profile lane is a lane for graphically displaying expression data by tiling array or RNA-Seq.
Implementation Edition
Multiple expression profile lanes can be registered and displayed in the main feature map, and the number of lanes that can be registered and displayed on one feature map is not limited.
When the number of display lanes increases, it is necessary to scroll vertically.
The lane can display the expression level depending on the genome position as a bar graph or a line graph.
You can change display and calculation settings for each lane.
Vertical Scroll Bar Lane
Sequence Scale Lane and Map Scale Lane