Genome Analysis Software Info Site

Official Technology Information Site of in silico biology, inc.

Function Menu

IMC W730 Setup Tab Pane Description

In this tab pane, you can change the basic settings of the IMC.

Setting of work area, setting of reading / saving method, display setting of tool box, setting of updating method of IMC, setting of feature layout style.

Root Directory section:

Directory path input text field: Enter IMC's root directory as full path.

Directory selection button: Click to display the root directory selection dialog box.

Save File section:

Modified Files are Automatically Saved When Exit IMC check box: When checked, the changed array file is automatically overwritten and saved when IMC is terminated.

GenBank File Extension text field: Specify file extension for file output in GenBank format.

Load GenBank File section:

Check box: If checked, substitute the array file name as LOCUS when there is no LOCUS in the definition line.

When a GenPept Format File is Loaded, CDS is Generated Automatically checkbox: When checked, CDS features spanning the entire array are automatically generated when the GenPept format file is loaded. When IMC loads an amino acid sequence, it is back-translated into nucleic acid and treated as a nucleic acid sequence after loading.

When a multiformat file is loaded, they are automatically divided into individual entries, but individual files are saved as file name Because it does not have LOCUS as its substitute.

Minimum Load Length text field: Enter a positive integer. When loading a multi-format file, if the base length of each entry is smaller than the number of bases specified here, skip without loading that entry.

Maximum Load Length text field: Enter a positive integer. When loading a multi-format file, if the base length of each entry is larger than the number of bases specified here, skip it without loading that entry.

Minimum Features text field: Enter a positive integer. If you load a multi-format file, if each entry has a smaller number of features than you specify here, skip that entry without loading it.

Maximum Features text field: Enter a positive integer. When loading a multi-format file, if individual entries have a larger number of features than specified here, skip that entry without loading it. In case

Toolbox section:

Here is a list of all tool buttons that can be displayed on IMC toolbox.

The list shows checkboxes, tool icon images, display stages and tool names.

The checked tool icon is displayed in the tool box.

Select All button: Click to check all tools.

Reverse Selected button: When clicked, the checked tool will be unchecked, and the tools not checked will be checked.

Update IMC section:

Check for Latest Version Every Time IMC Starts checkbox: If checked, it checks whether a newer version than the one currently installed is released at IMC startup. In this case, you need to be connected to the Internet.

Feature Layout Style Section

Default Layout Set pull-down menu: Select the feature layout style to be set by default for an array file that has no feature layout style set when loaded into IMC.

Click Eyeball Button (Change Layout Style)

Immediate Reflection Toggle Radio Button: When on, changes will take effect as soon as you click on the eyeball button.

After Click Apply Button Toggle Radio Button: When on, changes will take effect when you click Apply.

For Feature Setting common operation buttons, please click here.